New NPC Session Opens

The Third Session of the Ninth National People's Congress (NPC), China's top law-making body, opened at the Great Hall of the People this morning. At 9:00, Li Peng, executive chairman of the session and an executive member of the session presidium, announced the opening of the session. A total of 2,895 deputies to the NPC attended the opening session.

Seated on the restrum are state and Party leaders Jiang Zemin, Zhu Rongji, Li Ruihuan, Hu Jintao, Wei Jianxing and Li Lanqing. More than 2,000 members of the Ninth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), who are attending the committee's third session, observed today's opening of the NPC session, together with a number of central and local government and Party officials.

Premier Zhu Rongji delivered a government work report at the Third Session of the NPC. The text of the report will be distributed to NPC deputies for examination and to members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference for comments and suggestions.

In 1999, China's quality of national economic growth improved, its science, technology, education and other social undertakings developed in an all-round way, and major progress was made in reforming state-owned enterprises and turning around loss-making operations, the premier said. Last year, the number of poverty- stricken people in the country was reduced by eight million, according to the premier.

Zhu said that total profits from state-owned enterprises and enterprises with controlling share held by the state reached 96.7 billion yuan, a rise of 77.7 percent over the previous year, a record high in the past five years.

One third of the report, which is divided into 10 parts and has 35 pages and 16,000 words, deals with adhering to the policy of expanding domestic demand, working energetically to promote strategic restructuring of the economy, and continuing to advance reforms and bringing about comprehensive improvement in management. He announced that this year long-term treasury bonds worth 100 billion yuan will be issued and the resulting funds will be pumped mainly into infrastructure development, ecological conservation projects and technological upgrading in enterprises, with more investment directed to the central and western regions of the country.

A top priority for this year's government work is to turn around most large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises operating at a loss and initially establish a modern corporate system in most key large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, Zhu said, stressing that this year's objectives are attainable. The premier went on to say that the government will accelerate the pace of developing the sectors of science and technology and education, open wider to the outside world, improve the social security system and ensure social stability. He also spoke about China's reunification and foreign affairs.

Zhu called for making greater efforts to fight corruption and build a clean and honest government, practice strict economy and combat extravagance and waste, further transform the functions of the government and carry forward reform of government institutions. Governments at all levels must subject themselves to supervision, he said.

The premier was repeatedly interrupted by warm applause. Also seated on the rostrum were executive chairmen of the session and members of the session presidium Tian Jiyun, Jiang Chunyun, Zou Jiahua, Pagbalha Geleg Namgyai, Wang Guangying, Cheng Siyuan, Buhe, Tomur Dawamat, Wu Jieping, Peng Peiyun, He Luli, Zhou Guangzhao, Cao Zhi, Ding Shisun, Cheng Siwei, Xu Jialu, Jiang Zhenghua and He Chunlin.

Tung Chee Hwa, chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, attended the opening session as an observer. Ho Hau Wah, chief executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region and an NPC deputy, attended the session. The two were seated side by side on the rostrum.

More than 2,000 members of the Ninth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), who are attending the committee's third session, observed today's opening of the NPC session, together with a number of central and local government and Party officials.

Envoys from over 100 foreign countries and regions were also invited to observe the opening session.

More than 1,000 Chinese and foreign reporters covered the event, while China National Radio, China Central Television and China Radio International broadcast the session live.

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