Presidium of Third NPC Session Holds First Meeting

The just-elected Presidium of the Third Session of the National People's Congress (NPC) held its first meeting in Beijing Saturday morning.

The meeting first elected 19 executive chairmen for the Presidium. Elected as such were NPC Standing Committee Chairman Li Peng, 17 NPC Standing Committee Vice-Chairmen including Tian Jiyun, Jiang Chunyun, and Zou Jiahua and Secretary-General of the NPC Standing Committee He Chunlin.

The meeting approved an agenda for the upcoming NPC annual session, which is scheduled to open tomorrow morning, and named He Chunlin, Wang Zhongyu, Wang Weicheng, Zeng Jianhui, and Hu Guangbao as deputy secretary-generals of the NPC session.

The meeting also approved a method for bill approval procedures at the Third Session of the Ninth NPC, which stipulates that an electronic voting system be used.

The meeting agreed to submit a draft decision to the NPC session for deliberation, in which the NPC Standing Committee accepted the resignation of Edmund Ho Hau Wah as a NPC Standing Committee member.

The meeting also set 6:00 p.m. on March 10 as the deadline for NPC deputies to submit bills to the NPC session. According to law, one delegation of deputies or more than 30 NPC deputies may jointly submit a bill to a NPC session within the scope of the NPC's functions and power.

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