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Sunday, March 05, 2000, updated at 09:53(GMT+8)


Change of Leaders in Taiwan Region Must Not lead to "Taiwan Independence"

The so-called Taiwan election on March 18 must not have consequences that will lead possibly to the separation of China such as "Taiwan independence," Zeng Jianhui, spokesman for the 3rd Session of the Ninth National People's Congress, said here today.

"Change of leaders in the Taiwan region cannot change the fact that Taiwan is part of China," said Zeng at a press conference.

The recovery of Hong Kong and Macao has made the task of resolving the Taiwan question and realizing a complete reunification of the motherland stand out even more prominently as a sacred mission of the Chinese people, Zeng said.

"We will, as always, adhere to the basic principles of 'peaceful reunification', 'one country, two systems' and the eight- point proposal on developing cross-Strait relations and promoting a peaceful reunification of China put forward by President Jiang Zemin, and continue to work hard to promote a peaceful reunification of the motherland," he said.

"We hope that the Taiwan authorities will not run against the historical trend and will not create obstacles for the development of cross-Strait relations and reunification of the motherland," he said, stressing "if confronted with any serious separatist activity aimed at undermining China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, we will not sit idle."

"We hope that the two sides across the Taiwan Strait can conduct dialogue on the premise of 'one China' and develop healthy relations," he said.

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