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Saturday, March 04, 2000, updated at 10:51(GMT+8)


CPPCC to Promote Reunification of China: Ye

In 2000, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) will consolidate and develop the patriotic United Front and work hard to promote the reunification of the motherland.

Ye Xuanping, vice-chairman of the CPPCC Ninth National Committee, made the remark at today's opening meeting of the committee's third session.

In the past year, the CPPCC strengthened ties with people from various circles in Taiwan, made extensive contacts with businessmen from Taiwan and did everything possible to help them, Ye said. The CPPCC National Committee strongly rebutted Lee Teng- hui's "two-state theory" and denounced attempts by the Taiwan authorities to split the motherland, he noted.

The CPPCC leader hailed the return of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland as "important milestones in the great cause of the peaceful reunification of the motherland". Now the work of settling the Taiwan question and achieving the complete reunification of the motherland stands out as a sacred mission for all Chinese people, including their compatriots in Taiwan and overseas Chinese, he said.

Ye stressed that the parties, organizations and representatives of all ethnic groups and from all walks of life participating in the CPPCC completely endorse and support the principles expounded in the white paper entitled, "the One-China Principle and the Taiwan Issue", which was jointly published by the Taiwan Affairs Office and the Information Office of the State Council.

They firmly oppose separatist activities of Taiwan separatist forces represented by Lee Teng-hui and firmly support the just stand of, and all measures taken by, the Chinese government for promoting the reunification of the motherland and safeguarding China's state sovereignty and territorial integrity, according to the CPPCC chairman.

The CPPCC should continue to publicize the principle of "one country, two systems" and the eight-point proposal put forward by President Jiang Zemin for developing relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and promoting the peaceful reunification of the motherland, Ye said.

He went on to note that the CPPCC should work to expand contacts and exchanges with various parties, organizations and persons in Taiwan on the premise that there is only one China to promote mutual understanding and trust and reach a consensus of opinion.

The CPPCC should study and find new ways and means for carrying out the work of maintaining friendly contacts abroad under the new circumstances with a view to promoting the great unity of Chinese people both inside and outside China, he said.

The CPPCC National Committee should maintain close ties with persons from all walks of life in Hong Kong and Macao, give full play to the role of Hong Kong and Macao members of the CPPCC National Committee and work hard to safeguard the long-term stability and prosperity of the two regions, he said.

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