China Needs its Own "Green Card" System

"China should also grant 'Green Card' and practice its own 'Green Card' system," said Wu Mingxi, a Standing Committee member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and vice-chairman of China Zhi Gong Party at the eve of the 3rd Session of 9th CPPCC National Committee.

With China's economic development and social progress made since the implementation of its reform and opening to the outside world, an increasing number of foreigners, esp. Chinese living abroad are coming to work in China, to do pioneering work or seek for a better career. For most of the Chinese expatriates, in order to get a paper of residence which is equal to a job visa, they have not only to go through some procedures every year in public security offices, but also to be faced with many inconvenience as regards visas for entry and exit, and to and from Hong Kong and Macao. So they are in dire need of the "Chinese Green Card".

When analyzing the eagerness Wu Mingxi said in recent years, quite a few overseas Chinese coming to work in China were Chinese students once studied abroad after China carried out its opening and reform policy. Though joined in the citizenship of the countries for one reason or another, they are willing to introduce the advanced technology and management experiences they've mastered back to China and do their own best in rejuvenating China while seeking for a personal career. At the time when the economic globalization tends to be irreversible, the industry pioneers of high technology are frequently traveling around the world to find commercial opportunities for expanding business. So it's very important for them to be credited with right of staying for a longer time and freedom of travelling in and out of China. Only when this is solved can they feel at ease, setting their mind on pioneering work, thereby obtaining the latest scientific achievements and information of international standard.

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