All Delegations Arrive in Beijing for Upcoming NPC Session

Preparations have been basically completed for the Third Session of the Ninth National People's Congress (NPC), and all the 35 delegations of deputies to this top legislature have arrived in Beijing Thursday for the annual gathering due to open on March 5.

The Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) sent its first delegation to the NPC session. Deputies from Qinghai and Liaoning provinces, upon arrival in Beijing, were already busy studying related documents and making preparations for the session. This year's sessions of the Ninth NPC and the Ninth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) are significant given the numerous tasks facing the nation, said Bao Yizhi, a deputy from west China's Qinghai Province.

"China needs to continue policies for expanding domestic demand, further economic restructuring, and speed up technological innovations. It also has to find effective ways to push ahead enterprise reform, re-employment of laid-off workers, housing reform and increase of farmers' income," he said, adding that he hopes the pace of revitalizing China's vast western areas will be accelerated.

Chen Suzhi, a deputy from northeast China's Liaoning Province, said she has brought with her a proposal on the enforcement of laws at the grassroots level, which is based on her field study and echoes the call of local residents. Meanwhile, a total of 1,961 members of the nation's top advisory body, the Ninth National Committee of the CPPCC, had arrived in Beijing by 18:00 this evening to attend the annual CPPCC session scheduled to open March 4.

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