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Friday, March 03, 2000, updated at 17:49(GMT+8)


Report on Work of Standing Committee of 9th CPPCC National Committee

The following is the full text of the "Report on The Work of The Standing Committee of The Ninth National Committee of The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)," delivered by Ye Xuanping, Vice-Chairman of CPPCC's National Committee, at the top advisory body's third annual session that opened on March 3, 2000.

Fellow Members,

On behalf of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National Committee of the CPPCC, I now submit a report on the work of the Standing Committee for your examination and approval.

The year 1999 was very unusual in the course of development in China. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, smoothly resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Macao and scored new achievements in our socialist modernization drive. The national economic development reached the set targets, industrial and agricultural production increased steadily, reform of the state-owned enterprises and other reforms continued to deepen, fresh progress was made in promoting cultural and ethical progress and strengthening democracy and the legal system, and the people's living standards further improved. In addition, the Chinese people launched three political struggles:

protesting against the brutal US-led NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, opposing the fallacious "two-state theory" dished out by Lee Teng-hui and exposing and denouncing the Falun Gong cult. These struggles helped safeguard our national sovereignty and dignity and maintain our national unity and social and political stability.

Last year saw the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. The CPPCC National Committee organized a series of commemorative activities, making the public more aware of the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, enhancing the Chinese people's national spirit of unity and struggle and stimulating patriotic enthusiasm in Chinese people both at home and abroad. In his important speech made at the celebration meeting, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Jiang Zemin reviewed the glorious course traversed by the CPPCC over the past 50 years, fully affirmed the important role the CPPCC has played in China's political, economic and social activities, summarized the basic experience gained in the course of the CPPCC's work and defined the guiding principles for the CPPCC's work in the next century. He hoped that the CPPCC would make use of its advantages, exercise its functions, improve its work and constantly optimize its organizational structure in accordance with the requirements of the two major themes of unity and democracy. His speech provided important guidelines for efforts to strengthen the CPPCC's work in the new century, mobilize the whole Party and people throughout the country to ensure success in all fields of endeavor and promote the great cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Through various ways including forums and symposiums the CPPCC National Committee organized members from various circles and the staff members of its organs to study the spirit of the speech delivered by General Secretary Jiang Zemin and called on CPPCC committees at all levels and the participating organizations of the CPPCC to study Deng Xiaoping Theory and the speech of General Secretary Jiang Zemin and apply them to their work so as to promote the development of the CPPCC's work.

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the basic line of the CPC, the CPPCC National Committee has been diligently working during the past year to follow the spirit of the 15th National Congress of the CPC and the third and fourth plenary sessions of the 15th CPC Central Committee, focusing on its main tasks and serving the overall interests of the country. Its members firmly adhered to the two major themes of unity and democracy, conscientiously performed their duties, participated in political consultation on major state affairs, put forward comments and suggestions and promptly reported the actual social conditions and popular sentiments. The CPPCC National Committee has been working to consolidate and develop the patriotic united front and increase friendly contacts with foreign countries, thus making important contributions to the overall economic and social development.

1. Deliberating State Affairs and Serving the Overall

Interests In accordance with the principle of "democracy, pragmatism, unity and enthusiasm," the CPPCC National Committee had consultation and discussion on relevant major state affairs at plenary meetings of the National Committee, meetings of the Standing Committee members, chairman's meetings and special committee meetings. During the Second Session of the Ninth National Committee of the CPPCC, members attentively listened to and discussed the Report on the Work of the Government, the Report on the Work of the Supreme People's Court and the Report on the Work of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, an explanation of the Amendment to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China ( draft) and other important reports. With a high sense of political responsibility and in a spirit of responsibility to the people, members put forward many invaluable proposals, comments and suggestions. These comments and suggestions reflected the voices of people from all walks of life.

The strategy of sustainable development is a basic state policy of China and an important topic for the CPPCC to participate in deliberation and administration of state affairs. Over the past few years, the CPPCC National Committee has conducted quite a number of fact-finding and research projects on the implementation of this strategy in many areas, which yielded important results. Last year, the issue of environment and development was put on the agenda of the sixth Standing Committee meeting. At the meeting, Chairman of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee Li Ruihuan delivered an important speech entitled, "Questions Concerning Afforestation in China," and Vice-Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council delivered a report entitled "Following a Strategy of Sustainable Development to Promote Balanced Development of the Environment and the Economy." Members of the Standing Committee had thorough discussions on environmental protection in China. On the basis of the suggestions put forward at the meeting and the findings made by each special committee, members worked out the Proposals for Certain Questions Concerning Environmental Protection in China. The proposals covered 14 aspects, including the protection of water resources, prevention of land desertification, control of air pollution, increase of investment in environmental protection, intensified research on environmental science and improvement of environmental laws. Leaders of the CPC Central Committee and relevant departments took the proposals seriously.

State-owned enterprises are the pillar of China's national economy. Their successful reform is crucial to the establishment of a socialist market economy. Following the arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee concentrated on the study of this issue. The Committee for Economic Affairs submitted the Proposals for the Establishment of a Modern Enterprise System in Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises and the Proposals for Strategic Adjustments in the Distribution of the State Sector of the Economy. These proposals provided valuable ideas for the Fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee in its discussion on the reform and development of state- owned enterprises. The CPPCC National Committee held its seventh Standing Committee meeting following the Fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee. The members conscientiously studied the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Major Issues Concerning Reform and Development of State-owned Enterprises adopted at the plenary session, listened to a report delivered by Vice-Premier Wu Bangguo of the State Council entitled "Program for Promoting Reform and Development of State-owned Enterprises." Members had a heated debate on the topic and put forward many insightful comments and suggestions on instituting and improving a modern enterprise system, expediting technological upgrading in enterprises, supporting medium-sized and small enterprises in their development, making adjustments in the structure and strategic distribution of the state-owned sector of the economy, improving the social security system and establishing a new relationship between banks and enterprises.

The basic principle of managing state affairs put forward at the 15th National Congress of the CPC is to run state affairs according to law and build a socialist country under the rule of law. This is of great concern to members of the CPPCC National Committee. They put forward their comments and suggestions on the implementation of the principle of managing state affairs according to law at various meetings of the CPPCC. Special committees under the CPPCC National Committee conducted investigations concerning legislation, law enforcement and judicial affairs. For instance, the Committee for Handling Proposals, the Committee of Population, Resources and the Environment and the Committee of Social and Legal Affairs conducted investigations and put forward their comments and suggestions on legislation concerning population and family planning, on a draft revision of the Marine Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, on a preliminary draft revision of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution and on the reform of the judicial system. In September and October 1999, President Xiao Yang of the Supreme People's Court and Procurator-General Han Zhubin of the Supreme People's Procuratorate briefed their work to CPPCC National Committee members residing in Beijing, listening to their opinions and discussing relevant issues with them. The CPPCC National Committee members who attended the briefing affirmed the practice of briefing the work to the CPPCC National Committee members. They held that this helped implement the principle of managing state affairs according to law and that this helped the CPPCC National Committee members gain a better understanding of the work of the two organs and enabled them to better perform their duties.

2. Carrying Out Investigations and Offering Constructive Proposals and Suggestions

The Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee attaches great importance to going deep into the realities of life to conduct investigations and offering constructive proposals and suggestions on the central task and has been working hard to improve the quality of special investigations. Last year, the CPPCC National Committee conducted 43 special investigations, compiled 37 reports on these investigations and submitted 27 special proposals to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, of which 13 received written comments from the leaders of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. The special committees strengthened coordination during their investigations to utilize the advantages of the CPPCC as a whole. Many CPPCC National Committee leaders joined in the investigations of the special committees, giving a boost to the work. The special committees also strengthened their links with the relevant departments of the State Council, the central committees of all democratic parties, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, research institutions and local CPPCC committees. There was constant improvement in the quality of investigation reports thanks to the better mutual support and closer coordination between the special committees and other organizations. Quite a few opinions and suggestions included in the reports served as valuable ideas for the Party and government in making major policy decisions, while others were used in formulating measures for carrying out the work of government departments. Take for example the report entitled Investigation Report on the Development of Medium-sized and Small Enterprises submitted by the Committee for Handling Proposals. Premier Zhu Rongji spoke highly of the report, noting that the CPPCC made a very good proposal which deserved the close attention of the relevant departments under the State Council and the state-owned commercial banks. Vice-Premier Wu Bangguo also made a comment on the report. The Committee of Economic Affairs submitted to the State Council the Proposal to Allow Funds of Insurance Companies to Indirectly Enter the Stock Market via Securities Investment Funds, on which Premier Zhu Rongji, Vice-Premiers Li Lanqing and Wen Jiabao made written comments respectively. The proposal helped introduce a plan for allowing funds of insurance companies to enter the stock market.

Other reports and proposals that drew the close attention of leaders of the State Council and relevant departments include:

Investigation Report on Serious Desertification in China and Proposed Prevention and Control Measures and Investigation Report on China's Water Resources and Sustainable Development prepared by the Committee of Population, Resources and Environment; Investigation Report on Cable Television in Liaoning and Sichuan Provinces, Proposal for Improving Children's Health and Physical Education and Suggestions for Making Compulsory Education Universal in Poverty-stricken Areas in China prepared by the Committee of Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports; Report on the Situation in Fighting Poverty in Qinghai Province and Suggestions prepared by the Committee of Social and Legal Affairs. In addition, the General Office of the CPPCC National Committee compiled three volumes of Proposals on State Affairs, which included selected speeches delivered at the sessions of the CPPCC National Committee and the meetings of its Standing Committee and investigation reports. To help CPPCC members offer constructive proposals and suggestions, the General Office also compiles a newsletter entitled Developments of Participation in Deliberation and Administration of State Affairs, which comes out as needed and publishes a journal entitled the CPPCC of China, which is available to the public and combines the CPPCC Monthly and Reference Materials for Studies. These publications provide a new venue for CPPCC members to air their views. The CPPCC National Committee cooperated with local CPPCC committees and stepped up its efforts to sort out a great deal of stored cultural and historical data.

3. Reporting on Social Conditions and Popular Sentiments Through Democratic Channels

Through submission of proposals, carrying out of inspections, collection of information and other forms, the CPPCC gets familiar with how things stand and actively offers constructive proposals and suggestions. This is the important form of the CPPCC's performance of functions and its basic work. Since the closing of the Second Session of the Ninth National Committee of the CPPCC, we have received 3,341 proposals of which 3,118 have been put on record for investigation and by the end of February 20 this year 3, 004 proposals had already been addressed. These proposals involve a wide range of issues concerning state and social activities.

They both report problems and include suggestions for their solution. We made a point of selecting some important proposals and urged the relevant authorities to address them, achieving good results. Take for example the Proposal for Increasing Investment to Harness the Yellow River in Accordance with the Law. We invited to a forum leaders of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Water Resources, the State Environmental Protection Administration and the State Forestry Administration, leading members of the Central Committee of China Democratic League and members of the CPPCC National Committee. Participants at the forum reached a consensus on a wide range of issues concerning the need to harness the Yellow River. We also obtained satisfactory results in our handling of the proposals regarding the promotion of sound development of the non-public sector of the economy, the invigoration of agriculture by applying science and technology, care for the elderly, vigorous efforts to expand the application of the new surface engineering technology in industry, the implementation of a system under which those who deposit money with banks use their real names, the further reduction of electricity rates in urban and rural areas and the broadcasting of more messages for the public good on radio and television at prime time.

A total of 20 inspection groups were organized from the members of the CPPCC National Committee to carry out inspections and investigations concerning protection of the ecological environment in agricultural development, reform of state-owned enterprises, development of high and new technology in non-public enterprises, elementary education in areas inhabited by ethnic minorities and relocation of people moved out of the area of the Three Gorges Project. Members of these groups went down to grassroots units to talk to the masses in order to understand social conditions and popular sentiments. They prepared reports on their inspections and investigations, which helped the central authorities and relevant departments to understand the real situation and improve their work. Two inspection groups composed of members of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee were organized to inspect the protection of the ecological environment in agricultural development and the reform of state-owned enterprises, two issues discussed at the sixth and seventh meetings of the Standing Committee. These inspections were fairly successful. Via the CPPCC Information Journal and other channels last year, the CPPCC National Committee reported on over 4,900 important comments and proposals from its members and information on social conditions and popular sentiments to the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and relevant departments. We received more than 22,000 letters from the general public. Premier Zhu Rongji, Vice Premiers Li Lanqing, Wu Bangguo and Wen Jiabao and other leaders of the central government wrote comments concerning the submitted information on many occasions. Many of the issues raised were properly addressed and resolved. For example, Lu Qiang and 63 other CPPCC National Committee members representing China Democratic League used their special voice mail to make an urgent call for economy in the grand celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of New China. The CPPCC Information Journal immediately forwarded this proposal to the CPC Central Committee and it was not long before Premier Zhu Rongji commented on it. In addition, a web site was set up on the Internet for the information system of the General Office of the CPPCC National Committee which helps people at home and abroad to better understand the CPPCC and the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC.

4. Safeguarding Unity and Stability and Developing the United

Front. The main responsibility and important task of the CPPCC is to consolidate and develop the patriotic united front and promote unity among people on the mainland of China on the basis of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, unity between compatriots on the mainland of China and those in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan on the basis of support for reunification of the motherland and unity among all the Chinese people at home and abroad on the basis of working for the great cause of rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. During the past year, the CPPCC National Committee held high the banner of patriotism and socialism, conscientiously adhered to the principle of "long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other and the sharing of weal and woe", promoted a spirit of unity, cooperation and concerted efforts in times of trouble, adhered to the principle of seeking common ground while reserving differences and striving for understanding and tolerance, worked hard to create a proper atmosphere for democratic consultation and discussion of state affairs on an equal footing, thus consolidating and expanding the patriotic united front. In addition, the CPPCC National Committee worked to help the Party and the government coordinate relations and solve problems and disputes. Members of the CPPCC National Committee went down to grassroots units, listening to and promptly reporting on the wishes of the people of all ethnic groups and circles in society. At the same time, they energetically worked to inform the people of relevant policies of the Party and the government and studied relevant issues, putting forward measures and suggestions for their settlement. For instance, members of the Committee of Social and Legal Affairs went to Qinghai, Yunnan and Guizhou to conduct investigations of poverty relief in rural areas where ethnic groups live in compact communities. They submitted reports on these investigations to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and helped the three provinces obtain more effective policy-related support. We paid a great deal of attention to reporting on new situations and problems related to the ethnic minorities and religions, strengthening communication and exchanges among CPPCC National Committee members from ethnic minority groups and religious circles, developing relations among ethnic groups featuring equality, solidarity and mutual assistance and promoting political unity and cooperation and respect for the beliefs of others among all ethnic groups and religious organizations. For instance, when the Committee of Ethnic and Religious Affairs learned about an event which impaired the solidarity of ethnic groups in an area of Sichuan during an investigative tour of Yunnan and Sichuan, it rapidly reported this to the higher authorities, which drew the close attention of the central and provincial authorities. In the struggle against the Falungong cult, the CPPCC National Committee held a forum attended by its members residing in Beijing and cadres from its organs, at which they exposed and criticized the true nature of this cult and the harm it had done and expressed their firm support for the resolute policy decisions made by the CPC Central Committee, thus contributing to the safeguarding of social and political stability. In accordance with the principles of "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems", the CPPCC National Committee made friends abroad and worked to promote reunification of the motherland through various forms and channels.

We sent delegations for the first time to North America and some European countries to convey greetings to overseas Chinese there and learn about their conditions, making new friends among them, especially those new immigrants. The CPPCC National Committee enthusiastically helped overseas Chinese specialists, scholars and entrepreneurs to return home to work or conduct exchanges and cooperation with their domestic counterparts. It asked overseas Chinese specialists and scholars to air their views on issues concerning environmental protection and reform of state-owned enterprises. In this way, it combined making friends with overseas Chinese with participation in the deliberation and administration of state affairs. It reported their opinions to the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, leaders of the central authorities and relevant departments for reference. We strengthened ties with people from various circles in Taiwan, made extensive contacts with businessmen from Taiwan and did everything possible to help them. The CPPCC National Committee strongly rebutted Lee Teng-hui's "two-state theory" and denounced attempts by the Taiwan authorities to split the motherland. We looked for effective ways to strengthen ties with our members in Hong Kong and Macao and our compatriots from all walks of life in Hong Kong and Macao now that they are administered in accordance with the principle of "one country, two systems". Members of the CPPCC National Committee residing in Hong Kong threw themselves into economic recovery and development and did a great deal for the prosperity and stability of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The CPPCC National Committee members residing in Macao took an active part in preparations for the establishment of the government of the Macao Special Administrative Region and contributed to the smooth return of Macao to the motherland.

5. Carrying Out People-to-People Diplomacy and Expanding Friendly Exchange

The CPPCC National Committee worked to develop friendly exchanges with other countries, enlivening China's diplomatic efforts and promoting understanding, friendship and cooperation between China and other countries. Up to February this year, the CPPCC National Committee had conducted friendly exchange of visits with 123 institutions in 76 countries and 4 international organizations, of which 18 institutions in 8 countries established contacts with us following the Second Session of the Ninth National Committee of the CPPCC. During the past year, the CPPCC National Committee sent 18 delegations to visit 25 countries and received delegations or groups from seven countries. Chairman Li Ruihuan paid successful goodwill visits to the Republic of Korea, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Egypt, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Japan. Nine vice-chairmen of the CPPCC National Committee headed delegations visiting countries in Asia, Europe, America and Oceania or attending meetings of the International Interaction Council, the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and similar institutions as well as the Davos World Economic Forum. These visits yielded positive results. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of New China and the CPPCC, the General Office of the CPPCC National Committee and the Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations and the Chinese embassy in the United States jointly held the Exhibition of Painting and Calligraphy of the CPPCC Members at the UN Headquarters and in New York. The exhibition was well received. The Committee of Foreign Affairs issued a statement to lodge the strongest protest against the brutal US-led NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

6. Strengthening the CPPCC National Committee to Improve the Work of Its Organs

The Standing Committee of the Ninth National Committee and the special committees sponsored lectures, forums and symposiums to help the CPPCC National Committee members study Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important views of Comrade Jiang Zemin on the united front and the CPPCC's work, the guiding principles and policies formulated by the CPC Central Committee as well as history, law and economics, especially the latest information on modern science and technology. Visits, inspections and investigations were arranged for CPPCC National Committee members so that they could learn directly from society and the people. The study further convinced the members of the importance of adhering to the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC, deepened their understanding of the international and domestic situation, increased their enthusiasm for the performance of their duties and made them better able to participate in the deliberation and administration of state affairs. In addition, relevant regulations of the CPPCC were improved. We revised the General Rules for the Work of Special Committees and Regulations on the Handling of Proposals and made preparations for revising the CPPCC Charter.

In accordance with the unified arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, the organs of the CPPCC National Committee conducted education among the CPC members at leading posts, which stressed the need to study, to be political-minded and to be honest and upright, giving these cadres a profound education in Marxism.

Outstanding problems in the leading groups at all levels and in the CPC members at leading posts concerning their Party spirit and style of work were uncovered, ties between cadres and the masses of the organs of the CPPCC National Committee were strengthened and unity within the leading groups consolidated as a result of the education. Guidelines and methods for improving the organs were clarified and a number of systems and measures were formulated or revised to improve the organs. This education vigorously promoted all aspects of the work of the organs.

To sum up, the CPPCC National Committee attained the targets set at the Second Session of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee and made fresh progress in its work over the past year. There was improvement in many aspects of our work. However, there are still many defects in our work. For instance, efforts to standardize and institutionalize CPPCC functions need to be intensified. The CPPCC National Committee has not kept up with developments in terms of ensuring good communication and coordination among departments in the CPPCC National Committee and in taking advantage of the functions of the CPPCC National Committee as a whole. Not enough has been done to bring out the full potential of the CPPCC National Committee members, especially those residing outside Beijing. The quality of special investigations and suggestions and proposals presented need to be raised. Solution of these problems calls for careful study and hard work.

II Fellow Members,

The year 2000 marks the turn of the century. The world is moving toward a pattern of multi-polarity, economic globalization is accelerating, science and technology are rapidly bringing about changes with each passing day and international competition based on overall national strength is becoming increasingly fierce. We are faced with unprecedented challenges as well as rare opportunities. We have set grand objectives for reform, opening up and the modernization drive in the 21st century. The tasks are formidable and the CPPCC will have to assume much heavier responsibilities. The guidelines for the work of the CPPCC National Committee in the new year are, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core, to hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, conscientiously study and follow the spirit of the speech delivered by Comrade Jiang Zemin at the meeting celebrating the 50 th anniversary of the founding of the CPPCC, gain a clear understanding of the situation and the tasks, seize opportunities, advance in a pioneering spirit, remain confident, work hard together, adhere to and improve the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC, subordinate itself to and serve the key tasks of the country, uphold the two main themes of unity and democracy, effectively perform its functions, work to offer more and constructive suggestions and proposals and continue to contribute to reform, opening up and the modernization drive.

1. We will make suggestions and offer advice on major issues in the country's development. The formulation and implementation of the Tenth Five-Year Plan is of great significance to efforts to promote material as well as cultural and ethical progress in the country, speed up its development, increase our overall national strength and make the country better prepared for fiercer international competition in the new century. The CPPCC should take full advantage of its special nature and superiorities to engage in consultation and discussions on the formulation of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, the implementation of the grand strategy for developing the western part of the country, the strategies of sustainable development and of developing the country by relying on science and education, the opportunities and challenges China might face after it enters the WTO as well as the problems that may arise in the process of deepening reform, make constructive suggestions and offer valuable advice on the development of the country.

2. We will improve investigations of special topics. All special committees should proceed from reality, focus on key areas and select topics carefully. The general departments should timely coordinate the work of investigations. Committee members are encouraged to go deep into the realities of life, carry out in- depth investigations and studies, maintain close ties with people from all walks of life and listen attentively to their views and demands. The firsthand information obtained from field work should be carefully studied, analyzed and summarized to extract excellent ideas for the reference of the Party and the government in making policy decisions. In addition, computers and other modern means should be used to improve the compilation and management of information. The valuable experience gained and successful measures formulated over the years should be standardized and institutionalized to form a mechanism for special investigations that is in line with the changing situation and new tasks. We should continue to act in accordance with the requirement of encouraging CPPCC National Committee members to make suggestions, present their views, adhere to the principles of focusing on key areas and doing our best to produce more quality products, continue raising the overall level of special investigations and actively promote the application of investigation results.

3. We will further strengthen democratic supervision. Democratic supervision carried out by the CPPCC mainly in the form of consultation, discussion, criticism and suggestions is an essential requirement for and important component of the development of socialist democracy. This practice has its own strong points and its role to play. In our effort to develop the democratic tradition of the CPPCC and make full use of and improve the existing democratic forms, including regular meetings, proposals, inspections and information, we should take the initiative to explore effective means of strengthening democratic supervision under the changed conditions to make democratic supervision more effective. Issues to be monitored should be selected from matters of special concern to the Party and the government and those reported on widely by the general public.

Care should be taken to coordinate monitoring activities in other fields, report opinions and suggestions provided by people of all walks of life concerning lightening the burden of the farmers, promoting the reform of state-owned enterprises, improving public order and strengthening the efforts to combat corruption and building a clean and honest government, take best advantage of the overall role of democratic supervision and gradually establish a standardized, orderly and truly effective mechanism for carrying out democratic supervision.

4. We will work to enhance unity and safeguard social stability. As an organization of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC, the CPPCC should strengthen ties with all democratic parties, prominent persons without party affiliation, mass organizations and representatives of various ethnic groups and circles of society participating in the CPPCC, listen to their criticism and suggestions and report on their opinions and requests. We should adhere to the principles of holding consultation on the basis of equality, seeking common ground while reserving differences, cooperating and pulling together in times of trouble, and work constantly to consolidate and develop the patriotic united front. As changes are taking place in economic structure and social relationships, the CPPCC should make full use of its strong points, such as extensive contacts and unhindered channels of information, to go deep among the masses, find out the situation and exchange ideas with the broad masses in order to be able to promptly and accurately report on social conditions and popular sentiments. This assists the Party and government authorities in coordinating relationships, resolving conflicts, promoting unity and safeguarding social and political stability.

5. We will work hard to promote the realization of the great cause of the reunification of the motherland. The return of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland marks important milestones in the great cause of the peaceful reunification of the motherland. Now the work of settling the Taiwan question and achieving the complete reunification of the motherland stands out as a sacred mission for all Chinese people, including our compatriots in Taiwan and overseas Chinese. The parties, organizations and representatives of all ethnic groups and from all walks of life participating in the CPPCC completely endorse and support the principles expounded in the white paper entitled, "the One-China Principle and the Taiwan Issue" which was jointly published by the Taiwan Affairs Office and the Information Office of the State Council. They firmly oppose the separatist activities of the Taiwan separatist forces represented by Lee Teng-hui. They firmly support the just stand and all the measures taken by the Chinese government for promoting the reunification of the motherland and safeguarding our state sovereignty and territorial integrity. We should continue to publicize the principle of "one country, two systems" and the eight-point proposal put forward by President Jiang Zemin for developing relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and promoting the peaceful reunification of the motherland. We should work to expand contacts and exchanges with various parties, organizations and persons in Taiwan on the premise that there is only one China to promote mutual understanding and trust and reach a consensus of opinion. The CPPCC National Committee should maintain close ties with persons from all walks of life in Hong Kong and Macao, give full play to the role of the Hong Kong and Macao members of the CPPCC National Committee and work hard to safeguard the long-term stability and prosperity of the two regions. We should study and find new ways and means for carrying out the work of maintaining friendly contacts abroad under the new circumstances with a view to promoting the great unity of Chinese people both inside and outside China.

6. We will make full use of the important role of the CPPCC in expanding friendly exchanges with other countries. We should work to develop friendly exchanges with other countries in accordance with the overall arrangements for China's diplomatic work. The CPPCC should continue to arrange high-level visits in order to expand its influence abroad. The relationships we have established with relevant organs of other countries and international organizations should be maintained and developed and planned efforts should be made to establish new friendly contacts to open up new areas of cooperation. We should continue to give full play to the role of the democratic parties, mass organizations and representatives of all ethnic groups and from all walks of life in exchanges with other countries. We must energetically work to complete all preparations for Conference 2000 of the "21st Century Forum" in order to ensure its complete success.

Fellow Members,

The 21st century promises to be full of hope and vitality and the Chinese nation will make gigantic strides and rejuvenate itself. Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core, let us hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, strengthen unity, heighten our spirits, seize opportunities, face challenges, shoulder important tasks that the times have entrusted to us and strive for the prosperity of the People's Republic and greater achievements of the CPPCC.


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  • 96.3 Percent of Motions Submitted to CPPCC National Committee Handled

  • Reunification of Motherland Urged in CPPCC

  • CMC Vice-Chairman Meets Russian Deputy PM

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  • Number One Proposal of CPPCC Focuses on West Development

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