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Friday, March 03, 2000, updated at 15:45(GMT+8)


China's Top Advisory Body Opens Annual Session

The Third Session of the Ninth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China's top advisory body, opened here this afternoon.

The nation's top Party and state leaders and about 2,000 members of the Ninth National Committee of the CPPCC attended the opening ceremony at the Great Hall of the People.

The members will deliberate the agenda of the annual session at the opening meeting, listen to the work report of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National Committee of the CPPCC and a work report on proposal handling in the past year.

The members are also expected to deliberate a draft amendment to the CPPCC Constitution, which has been modified in line with the amendments to China's Constitution adopted at the Second Session of the Ninth National People's Congress last year. The CPPCC session is to close on March 11.

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