Liaoning Archive Reveals Another Irrefutable Evidence for Nanjing Massacre by Japanese

Organized by Temporary China Research Institute Zhao Yunpeng, vice curator of Liaoning Archive, showed three secret reports and some pictures of Manchuria Railway Company at the Rally for Displaying Evidences Exposing the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese on Feb. 29, revealing further the Japanese war-time atrocities in slaughtering Chinese military captives and civilians.

At the Japanese right-wing's premeditated gathering to deny the reality of Nanjing Massacre in Osaka on January 23, Susumu Maruyama, member of Southern Manchuria Secret Service dispatched to Nanjing, brazenly claimed as a witness, saying "I found nothing for the record concerning the Nanjing Massacre after thorough search, which means the number of people who were illegally killed is zero." However, the above-mentioned references kept in Liaoning Archive completely exposed Maruyama's lies. The three secret reports clearly demonstrated that the soldiers of Nakajima Troops, which Azuma Shiro belonged to, killed more than 4000 Chinese military captives and civilians nine days after Nanjing was captured. This fully proved the truth of the diaries of Azuma Shiro and his comrade-in-arms, telling that the Japanese army arrested and slaughtered the Chinese in their primes after intruding into the regions.

The three top-secret repots were written by the five members of the Manchuria Secret Service of Manchuria Railway Company Agency in Shanghai including Susumu Maruyama, totaling 86 pages. The reports elaborately recorded the details of the Secret Service's helping the Nakajima Troops eliminate "remnants of the Chinese army" and "anti-Japan elements" and the situations of its directing the International Red Cross, Nanjing Chapter to collect corpses in Nanjing. All these records were written by the secret agents, who took part in the Nanjing Massacre. They are the irrefutable evidences of Japanese wartime atrocities.

The former Japanese soldier Azuma Shiro examined the three reports, proving the contents true by telling experiences of his own during the war.

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