China, Thailand to Promote All-Round Cooperation

Chinese Vice-Premier Li Lanqing told Thai Deputy Prime Minister Bhichai Rattakul in a meeting this evening that China hopes to further develop its cooperation with Thailand in economic, scientific, technological, educational and cultural areas.

Recalling his visit to Thailand and participation in the opening ceremony of the 13th Asian Games at the end of 1998, Li said that the two countries are good neighbors, and Sino-Thai cooperation has been progressing. Li said this year marks 25th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-Thai diplomatic relations, and the Chinese government will extend a welcome to Thai Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, who is expected to visit China soon, and also is eager for the various celebrations that will be hosted by the two countries. He expressed his appreciation for Thailand's success in overcoming the financial crisis, and said that the Asian economy has recovered from recession through reform. "We believe that the Asian economic future is promising," Li said.

Bhichai Rattakul said that the two countries have a familial relationship, and frequent exchanges of visits between the two countries' leaders have helped promote friendship and cooperation, adding that they have also had fruitful cooperation in a variety of areas.

He expressed the hope that the two countries will expand mutual investment, trade and technological ties in the years ahead. The Thai deputy prime minister said that Thailand supports China's accession to the World Trade Organization, and believes China will play an important role in the global trading body. Echoing Li's comments on the Asian economy, Bhichai Rattakul said that Thailand is optimistic about regional economic growth prospects.

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