China Dissatisfies With US Stance On Taiwan

China Thursday voiced its strong dissatisfaction with and resolute opposition to the United States stance on the Taiwan issue, stating that it has infringed upon China's sovereignty and grossly interfered in China's internal affairs.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao said at the press conference that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China and the Taiwan issue is absolutely China's internal affairs that no foreign country should interfere in.

Zhu was asked to comment on the U.S. State Department's "deep concern" on "China's threat" to Taiwan contained in a white paper titled "The One-China Principle and the Taiwan Issue" issued by China on Monday.

He said that the U.S. government has made a solemn commitment to China on the Taiwan issue, but has repeatedly violated the three Sino-U.S. joint communiques and relevant commitments by selling large amounts of arms to Taiwan, while planning to provide the theater missile-defense (TMD) system to Taiwan. The U.S. Congress also wants to pass the so-called "Taiwan Security Enhancement Bill."

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