Tang Four-Nation Tour Yielded Successful Results

Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan's recent visit to four African and Asian countries has yielded successful results, said Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao in Beijing Thursday.

Tang paid an official visit to Mauritania, Tunis, Kuwait and Iran from February 15 to 23, during which he held talks with foreign ministers and met with leaders of the four countries, according to Zhu.

Tang exchanged views with leaders and officials of the four countries on strengthening cooperation in political, economic and cultural areas. They also touched upon such issues as the establishment of a new international political and economic order, the Middle East peace process, the Persian Gulf situation, and the issue of Iraq, and reached broad-based consensus, said Zhu. The four countries all expressed that they attach importance to developing relations with China, and that they are willing to deepen cooperation and coordination with China at the United Nations and on other international occasions to protect and develop the rights of developing countries, according to Zhu. The visit has promoted friendship and understanding between China and the four African and Asian countries, he concluded.

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