Fast Food Industry Registers Rapid Growth

The State Administration of Internal Trade said Wednesday that China's fast food industry reported a huge growth of more than 20 percent last year, with annual sales of 75 billion yuan.

The sector has kept a double-digit growth for two consecutive years since 1998. Sale revenue accounts for over one-third of China's fast-growing food and beverage industry.

In recent years, some newly-emerged marketing patterns such as take aways, franchise and food courts have significantly enriched the fast food sector and provided considerable working opportunities for lay-offs and job hunters. However, experts in the industry pointed out that the development of Chinese fast food lags behind western fast food in terms of variety, scale and modern equipment.

China will host an international fast food equipment exhibition in Beijing on April 18 this year to attract foreign investment and update equipment. A symposium on fast food in the 21st-century will also be held during the Expo.

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