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Thursday, February 24, 2000, updated at 16:56(GMT+8)


TV Adaptation of Ukrainian Novel Debuts in Beijing

A ceremony was held Wednesday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing to mark the debut of a 20-episode TV serial titled "the Making of a Herio," a Chinese-produced TV drama based on a Ukrainian novel by Nikolai Alexiviq Ostrovsky (1904-36).

In the novel, the author tells how Pavel Korqagin becomes a revolutionary fighter in the early years of the former Soviet Union. The character Pavel Korqagin is very popular in China and he is regarded as a model for heroism and patriotism, Xinhua reported on Wednesday.

The serial was jointly filmed by the Publicity Department of Shenzhen City Committee of the Communist Party of China, China Central Television, and the China International Television Corporation.

Based on the original work of the late Ukrainian writer, three Chinese novelists, a Russian writer, and an artist from Ukrainian State Television created the script for the TV serial.

It took nine months to film the show in the author's motherland, and the production was assisted by the National Studio of Ukraine.

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