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Thursday, February 24, 2000, updated at 16:59(GMT+8)


Chinese and EU Negotiators Open New Talks on WTO Entry

Negotiators from China and the European Union launched a new round of talks Monday on Beijing's entry to the World Trade Organization, amid high hopes a deal could be clinched this week.

The European delegation, led by the commission's director general of trade Hans-Friedrich Beseler, arrived at the ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation at 10:00 a.m.

Beseler is due to meet China's Vice Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Long Yongtu, during the two days of technical discussions.

Both sides have been quietly exuding optimism that a deal can be sealed during this week's round of negotiations although the EU has warned of some hard bargaining ahead.

EU Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy had said last week that he was ready to sign an agreement in Beijing with Chinese Trade Minister Shi Guangsheng but added that the negotiators had been given a clear mandate.

"They've got two or three days to assess whether a deal is possible or not," Lamy said Thursday in Washington, where he was meeting US officials.

"If they believe it's possible, I will fly to Beijing," Lamy added.

The European Union is the biggest Chinese trading partner that has yet to conclude a WTO agreement with Beijing, after a sweeping deal with Washington was signed last November in the Chinese capital.

A deal with the EU represents the last major hurdle to full membership, although it must also forge deals with 13 other countries.

European countries are mainly seeking an opening of China's financial and telecommunications market, especially mobile phone services, and tariff reductions for some food products, wines, pharmaceuticals and glass.

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