Zhu Urges to Solicit People's Opinions

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji has called that more attention is needed in understanding the people and resolving problems among the masses while visiting the Bureau for Handling Letters and Visits of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Sunday.

Zhu, who is a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said that the bureau acts as a bridge linking the government, the Party and the Chinese people, and that employees of it should work harder and make contributions to reform and social stability.

The bureau receives a steady flow of letters and visits from Chinese from all walks of life. They express a number of concerns and complaints, and raise numerous constructive suggestions.

The letters and visits show that the Chinese people trust the Party and the government as well as their concern for state affairs, Zhu said.

He added that the bureau is an excellent barometer in gauging the thoughts of the Chinese people and a "window" for receiving comments and suggestions from the people. These letters and visits can be used to monitor officials and expose those who engage in corrupt practices.

The premier hopes that the Chinese people should be encouraged to send their proposals and suggestions about the Party and the government to the bureau at any time. (Xinhua)

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