HK People Urged to Step Up Momentum of Development

The Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa urged Hong Kong people to capitalize their excellent position to strengthen the momentum of development in Hong Kong in order to enhance its position as a leading metropolis in Asia on February 10.

Tung said he was confident that he could lead the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government and the community to reach for this goal. He made the remarks when addressing a spring reception, which was attended by over 450 people from all walks of life.

This is the first Year of the Dragon in the new millennium and the dragon is a symbol of vigor, determination and prosperity, Tung said. He expressed his earnest hope that the people of Hong Kong will all respond to his call and work with the HKSAR government to the goal.

To develop talents and to build quality homes for the people of Hong Kong are very much the priority agenda, Tung said.

Tung said that Hong Kong's education system needs reform to meet the needs of a knowledge-based economy and Hong Kong needs to improve the environment to update the quality of life in Hong Kong.

"We need to address the issues of employment and the growing disparity between the rich and the poor in our community," the chief executive said.

"With an active financial market, a thriving tourist industry, enhanced foreign trade, the gathering momentum of technological developments as well as the momentous development of China's forthcoming accession to the World Trade Organization, we can be cautiously optimistic about the medium and long-term economic prospects of Hong Kong," Tung said.

Apart from sustained economic growth, Hong Kong people also take much joy and pride in the successful implementation of the " One Country, Two Systems" principle and upholding of the rule of Law, he stressed.

These achievements have boosted the confidence of the Hong Kong people as well as the international community on Hong Kong's prospects, he added.

Tung also noted that China has made substantial progress in the economic, social and political spheres, with GDP growth of 7.1 percent and growth of 11.3 percent in import and export trade in 1999.

"It is a blessing for Hong Kong to return to the motherland at this remarkable moment," Tung said.

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