Grave Violation Against Chinese Sovereignty

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the so-called Taiwan Security Enhancement Act on Tuesday in disregard of China's solemn representations.

This is another attempt by the U.S. congress to boost the U.S.-Taiwan military ties and create barriers to China's reunification cause following its endorsement of the "Taiwan Relation Act" in 1979.

The move, a grave violation of China's sovereignty and a gross interference in China's internal affairs, has aroused strong indignation and firm opposition from the Chinese government and the Chinese people.

The Taiwan issue, which concerns China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, has always been the most important and most sensitive core issue in the Sino-U.S. relations. The passage of

the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act has breached the three Sino-U.S joint communiques, particularly the principles set forth in the China-U.S. August 17 Communique that governs the U.S. arms sales to Taiwan.

As a matter of fact, since the signing of the August 17 Communique in 1982, the United States has never stopped its military sales to Taiwan. In recent years, it has not only drastically increased the amount of arms sold to Taiwan, but constantly upgraded the performance and quality of the weapons. Some Americans have even tried to include Taiwan into the "Theater Missile Defense" regime.

The passage of the Taiwan Bill by the U.S. house was designed to create "legal justification" for the U.S. bid to sell more advanced arms facilities, to conduct and expand the U.S.-Taiwan military cooperation, and thus to create "one China, one Taiwan" or "two Chinas."

Although a handful of U.S. legislators claim that the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act was aimed at "protecting" Taiwan's " security", their real motive is to split China, and prevent China from becoming stronger.

In recent years, as facts have shown, the Taiwan straits have witnessed repeated occurrence of crises as aggressive independence-seeking forces on the island stir up troubles, who felt assured of

U.S. military support and intervention once war breaks out across the straits.

The Taiwan Security Enhancement Act will inevitably puff up the arrogance of the independence seekers once it becomes law, intensify the tension in the Taiwan straits, further harm the peace and stability in the Asia and Pacific region, and at the same time have a grave damaging impact on the Sino-U.S. relations.

Under the U.N. Charter and the international norm, territorial security falls into the sphere of state sovereignty and is entirely an internal affair of a country which cannot allow interference of others. As Taiwan is an inseparable part of China, this issue is an internal affair of China, and no foreign country is allowed to poke its nose into the issue. But regrettably, some U.S. lawmakers have ignored International Law and tried to make legislation on the "security" of another country's territory, and this has fully exposed the arrogance of the U.S. hegemonists.

After the passage of the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act by the U.S. House of Representatives, the Chinese government has lodged solemn representations to the U.S. government. Meanwhile, the bill was criticized by the members of insight in both houses of the U.S. Congress. The U.S. government also expressed its explicit opposition to the deliberation and passage of the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act. The Chinese government strongly demanded that the U.S. government attach great importance to China's solemn stand, fully understand the serious harm brought about by the bill, and strictly abide by the principles of the three Sino-U.S. joint communiques and keep the promise made by the American side.

The Chinese government also urged the U.S. government to take immediate steps to prevent the bill from becoming law and stop its sales of advanced weapons and technology to Taiwan to create a congenial atmosphere and conditions for the continued, stable and healthy development of the Sino-U.S. relations in the new century.

The reunification of China is the common wishes of the Chinese people including the people in Taiwan. And any move to disrupt China's reunification will not be allowed and are doomed to end in failure. The Chinese government and people have the resolve, confidence and ability to solve the Taiwan issue as soon as possible and eventually realize the complete reunification of


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