People's Daily Criticizes Anti-China Move by U.S. House of Representatives

Today's People's Daily carries a commentary protesting the move on the part of the U.S. House of Representatives to infringe on China's sovereignty by passing the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act.

The article says the Taiwan issue is an internal affair of China, and the U.S. Houses of Representatives approval of the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act on February 1 was a rude interference in China's internal affairs, and a severe attempt to create "one China and one Taiwan" or "two Chinas."

The nature of this move is to build up a legal basis for the U.S. to expand military contacts with Taiwan and provide all kinds of advanced weapons to it, the article says.

This action arouses the strong protest and indignation of the Chinese people, and it will never succeed, the article notes.

It points out that such attempts pose a "serious threat" to the "relationship across the Taiwan Straits, the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region, and Sino-U.S. ties."

The Chinese government and people have, from the very beginning, expressed their utter condemnation of and firm opposition to such a act, the commentary says, adding that China has repeatedly made representations with the U.S. government on this matter.

China strongly demands the U.S. government pay great attention to the Chinese government's just stance and prevent the act from becoming a law, the article says.

It emphasizes that if the U.S. government wants to avoid the

deterioration of the Sino-U.S. relations, it must adhere to the three Sino-U.S. joint communiques and its relevant commitments, fully understand the deviousness of the act, and immediately stop

selling advanced weapons and technologies to Taiwan.

The Sino-U.S. relationship is very important to peace and stability in the Asian-Pacific region and the world, and people everywhere are expecting a world of peace and stability in the new century.

The article reiterates that China's reunification is the common will of the Chinese government and people, including those compatriots in Taiwan.

It is a historical trend, the article stresses.

The attempts of the 'Independence of Taiwan' forces to stop the advance of the Chinese people to reunification of their motherland are doomed to failure, the article concludes.

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