Switzerland, China to Further Cement Ties

President of the Swiss Federation Adolf Ogi and Head of Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Joseph Deiss met with Chinese Vice Premier Wu Bangguo in Bern on Monday with both sides pledging to further strengthen bilateral ties.

Wu extended the cordial regards of Chinese President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji to President Ogi. He said Switzerland was one of the first western countries to acknowledge the New China. The bilateral relations between both countries have witnessed continuous development over the past 50 years since they established diplomatic ties. The development has been especially rapid since China's reform and opening-up. Leaders of both countries have maintained constant contact and the two heads of state have also paid successful mutual visits.

Besides, he said, bilateral trade relations have developed very rapidly, and their economic and technological cooperation enjoys bright prospects for development.

He said China highly appreciates the Swiss government's positive attitude toward and efforts for the development of the Sino-Swiss ties.

"China attaches great importance to its ties with Switzerland and its unique role in international affairs," said Wu. He added that he contacted people from all walks of life during the visit and has felt their enthusiasm in developing Sino-Swiss ties.

"This is very favorable to the further development of bilateralties and we'd like to join hands with Switzerland to push the further development of China-Switzerland relations in the new century," observed the Chinese leader.

President Ogi warmly welcomed Wu's visit to Switzerland on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-Swiss diplomatic ties.

He said over the past 50 years, both countries have establishedgood rapport in various fields and deepened mutual understanding.

He said that since China started the reform and opening drive, its economy has secured rapid growth and great achievements have been made in all fields. He was deeply impressed by all these accomplishments during his visit to China last year.

The president said that the Swiss government actively supports the development of China-Switzerland ties and believes that the cooperative ties between the two countries will grow steadily.

The Chinese vice premier also met Head of Federal Department ofEconomic affairs Pascal Couchepin Monday morning.

Wu, who is in charge of China's industrial and communications sectors, arrived in Switzerland on Wednesday for a six-day official visit. Earlier, he had visited Britain and Belgium. (Xinhua)

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