Spokesman Refutes Japanese Diplomat's Accusation

A spokesman for foreign affairs in Hong Kong on January 28 strongly refuted the Acting Japanese Consul General Shuhci Takahashi's accusation against Hong Kong media of their "negative and unfair" coverage concerning the recent anti-China rally in Osaka.

Takahashi sent a letter on January 26 to Hong Kong media, accusing them of "negative and unfair" coverage concerning the recent anti-China gathering in Osaka staged by Japan's right-wing activists to deny the Nanjing massacre.

"It is totally unjustified for Shuhci Takahashi, as Acting Japanese Consul General, to make unwarranted charges against the media in Hong Kong concerning the issue," said the spokesman from the Office of the Commission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ofthe People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The spokesman said, "We are shocked by and deeply regret over the remarks in his letter which was tantamount to openly and flagrantly defending and supporting the right-wing activists' denial of the massacre."

"Compatriots and the media in Hong Kong together with all the Chinese people expressed their stern condemnation and utmost indignation, which fully reflected the Chinese people's righteous position of loving peace and opposing aggression," he stressed. "If the Japanese government continues to remain inactive and refuse to take any action against the fallacies spread by right-wing activists, it will only serve to damage its relations with neighboring countries and its international image and eventually it will bring about endless harm to the Japanese nation," the spokesman added.

"The Chinese government values the statements and commitments made by the Japanese side on historical issue and hopes that the Japanese government should honor and take concrete actions to contain the current of the rightist activists to militarism and reverse Japan's aggression history so as to eliminate the pernicious consequences of this incident and safeguard the political foundation of China-Japan relations," the spokesman concluded.

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