SW China Invites Overseas High-Tech Projects

The Chongqing Economic and Technological Development Zone (CETDZ) in southwest China is inviting more high-tech projects to accelerate industrial growth and promote the export of high-value-added products.

Machinery processing has been the only pillar industry here during the initial stage since the founding of the development zone in 1990. In recent years, high-tech sectors including information and electronics, bio-engineering, pharmaceuticals, environmental protection, and new materials research have witnessed rapid growth with large amounts of overseas investment, according to Wang Mingying, director general of the CETDZ Trade Development Office.

Statistics show that the development zone introduced more than 64 million US dollars last year, 62 percent of which was invested in high-tech projects. Among 13 overseas enterprises established in the zone in 1999, seven were engaged in advanced technological research and exploitation ventures.

The gross industrial output value of the development zone reached nearly six billion yuan (about 723 million US dollars) last year, with high-tech industries accounting for nearly one-quarter, up five percent over 1998.

At present, telecommunications, automobiles and motorcycles, food processing, and pharmaceuticals and bio-engineering are the four pillar industries of the development zone, which aims to achieve ten billion yuan in gross domestic product (GDP) by 2010.

The CETDZ initiated this campaign of developing advanced technological sectors and foreign trade exchange in order to adapt to the challenges in the new century, said Wang.

The development zone was given state-level approval in 1993, with comprehensive industrial infrastructure and a total area of 32,000 square kilometers.

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