Premier Calls for Efforts to Strengthen Party

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji called on central government departments on January 24 to make further efforts in strengthening the Communist Party of China (CPC).

In his written instruction to the 14th Party conference of central government departments held today in Beijing, Zhu urged the departments to follow General Secretary Jiang Zemin's call that "strengthening the Party goes before state affairs management.We must be strict in our efforts to build and strengthen the Party".

Zhu is also a member of the Political Bureau Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee.

Addressing the conference, State Councilor Wang Zhongyu said that Party building is a major task for central government departments. Wang spoke highly of central government departments in building the Party, especially in the nationwide three-stress campaign on theoretical study, political awareness, and good conduct.

He also told government officials to be aware of the difficulties and problems that still exist and have the courage and confidence to carry out their work.

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