Raiqen Living Buddha Enters Traditional Seat

The seventh reincarnation of the Raiqen living Buddha January 22 arrived at the Raiqen Monastery, situated in Lhunzhub County, after traveling from the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region in southwest China.

It was the first time the two-year-old boy had seen the Raiqen Monastery, the traditional seat of activity of the previous Raiqen Living Buddhas, after he was officially recognized as the Seventh Raiqen living Buddha on January 16.

The child's ordination took place in front of a statue of Sakyamuni, known as the founder of Buddhism, inside the Johkang Temple in Lhasa.

A ceremony to mark the arrival of the Seventh Raiqen Living Buddha at the Raiqen Monastery was held on Friday in accordance with religious rituals.

After the ceremony, the young living Buddha, seated facing the crowd, performed the ritual of extending blessings to all the lamas lined up to pass before him, who presented hadas -- silk scarves used as a greeting gift among China's ethnic Mongolian and Tibetan people -- and other gifts.

The formal enthronement of the little living Buddha at the monastery will be held in the future.

The Raiqen living Buddha holds one of the highest-ranking positions in Tibetan Buddhism. The tradition of patriotism and thespirit to preserve the unity of the Chinese nation have long been advocated by Raiqen living Buddhas.

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