Vice-Premier Urges Boost to Publication Sector

Chinese Vice-Premier Li Lanqing has urged that the press and publication sector should be boosted during the development of the socialist market economy, saying material and ideological progress are equally important.

He described the press and publication departments as the country's key publicity and ideological organs which should "arm the people with scientific theories, guide the people in the right direction, and inspire the people with outstanding works."

While reviewing the 1999 work in the field, Li said a group of publications highlighting Deng Xiaoping Theory and the great achievements of the country had created a healthy ideological environment for the people.

He stressed that building the market economy did not mean control of the press and the publication sector should be loosened.

He called on the sector to publish more affordable and useful books for ordinary people, while abandoning the profit-above-all mentality in order to keep the cultural environment "prosperous but clean."

An annual meeting on the press and publication is ongoing in Beijing to map out the new year's working plan.

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