Northeast China Province to Encourage Labor-intensive Industry

Labor-intensive industries in Shenyang can expect rapid development, as the government of Liaoning Province in northeast China intends to lend them support in order to secure employment for more people, according to local officials.

Official statistics show that among the province's population of 40 million, there are more than 1.4 million unemployed people idling in this old industrial province. Moreover, the emergence of new urban laborers and the influx of rural farmers each year are posing a severe challenge to the local labor market.

Taking this situation into account, the provincial government has decided to create more job opportunities and set the goal of reducing the urban registered unemployment rate to below five percent in the next few years.

Establishment of labor-intensive medium-sized and small enterprises should keep in balanced step with the development of high-tech industries, the officials said, and the province will also support the development of deep processing industries.

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