Vice-Premier Leaves for Europe

Chinese Vice-Premier Wu Bangguo left Beijing January 18 for a visit to three European countries and the European Union (EU) headquarters.

The three European countries are the United Kingdom, Belgium and Switzerland.

Wu is making the trip at the invitation of British Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, Belgian Deputy Prime Minister Louis Michel, and member of the Swiss Federal Council and head of the Federal Department of Public Economy Pascal Couchepin, as well as the EU Commission.

Wu will also attend the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, at the invitation of its president Klaus Schwab.

The vice-premier's entourage include Gui Shiyong, Director of the State Council's research office, Wang Wanbin, Vice Minister of the State Economic and Trade Commission, and Zhang Xiang, Vice Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. (Xinhua)

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