China Chooses Nation's Top Cyber Stars

The top ten people and best 100 websites in China's internet industry have been chosen by an on-line voting contest and industry experts, China Daily reports Janaury 17.

The Sina company, an internet content provider (ICP) in China, won the first prize in the category of integrated online services, which is regarded as the most important prize in the contest. Sina is followed by CWW, Sohu and Netease on the list.

The website of People's Daily, the country's leading newspaper, came top in the media website category.

Top ten stars included bosses of big ICPs such as Ding Lei from Netease, Wang Zhidong from Sina, Zhang Chaoyang from Sohu, and internet celebrities such as Tian Suning, Liu Yunjie, Wu Jianping,Qian Hualin and Zhang Shuxin.

Jiang Kun, a prominent comic dialogue actor in China, was voted in as he set up the country's first comic dialogue website.

Qian Tianbai, regarded as the father of internet in China, is also included in the top ten. He registered the domain ".cn" for China in 1990 and sent the country's first e-mail in 1987. Sadly, he died last year.

The selection, organized by the second China Internet Contest, attracted more than 100,000 on-line voters. The ten website categories were ICP, news media, computer and networks, government and organizations, industry and commerce, finance and stocks, entertainment and sports, health and medical care, lifestyle, science and education. (Xinhua)

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