China to Lift 10 Million People Out of Poverty This Year

If China's grand plan to eliminate poverty by the end of this year is to be fulfilled, 10 million impoverished people must be given food and clothing by year-end, a senior Chinese official stressed January 16.

Vice-Premier Wen Jiabao warned at Sunday's working conference on poverty relief that China faces grave challenges in achieving those goals in 2000.

He noted that provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities have worked diligently to help eight million poor people out of poverty in the past year.

Wen urged earnest implementation of the responsibility system that holds local leading Party and government officials accountable for the work.

As funding for poverty-relief continues to increase, focus must be placed on poor areas in need of major capital construction projects, including infrastructure involving transport and water conservancy, Wen said.

Supervision of funds for poverty relief should be tightened and those who divert or misuse these special funds must be severely disciplined, the vice-premier said.

He also called on all sectors to help poverty-stricken people out of their circumstances. (Xinhua)

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