China Will Soon Regulate On-Line Stock Trading

China will soon issue regulations concerning on-line stock trading, thus giving the long-expected green-light to this new method of stock trading, an authoritative source said in Beijing January 15.

The source, who declined to be named, said these regulations display sound foresight and allow room for flexible market operations.

A few securities dealers, including the Communications Securities Co., the Guotai-Jun'an Securities Co., the Huatai Securities Co., and others are already providing on-line trading services to investors.

Zhu Yongqiang, the technical supervisor of Huatai Securities, said on-line customers now account for five percent of their business.

An industry source also said that on-line trading volume now accounts for as high as 20 percent of the trading volume brokered by one regional securities dealer in east China's Fujian Province.

Analysts here said on-line trading will become an important waytrading stocks in the next 10 years and will greatly change the way the market operates. (Xinhua)

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