China Urges Protection of Its Cultural Heritage in New Century

China plans to bring more of its cultural treasures to the world by working closely with UNESCO and other international organizations in the new century.

Protecting relics will be a priority, said Zhang Wenbin, head of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH). In the coming years, SACH plans to take exhibits abroad and continue to promote Chinese culture.

While attracting tourists worldwide, authorities must keep a vigilant eye on protecting cultural relics, said Zhang.

Latest statistics show that China has about 400,000 relics sites. Some 750 are the most treasured in the country.

Fourteen sites such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City are now on the World Heritage list. Some 1,900 museums across the country have preserved nearly 12 million treasures.

Zhang stressed that more severe law will be enforced in the coming years for smuggling and stealing relics.

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