Shanghai to Reform Primary and Middle School Curricula

In the "Plan for New Courses for Primary and Middle Schools and Action Program for Education Reform of Various Disciplines Geared to the 21st Century" published by the Shanghai Teaching Material Reform Committee for Primary and Middle School Curricula on January 11, the training of innovative spirit and practicing ability is listed as the key points in Shanghai's primary and middle school teaching in the coming decade.

Composed of basic, development and research courses, the new curriculum system for Shanghai's primary and middle school students from 2000 to 2010 will be based on the development and creative ability of the students. In the management of curriculums, the courses will be divided into national, local and school courses. Some cross-discipline courses such as "comprehensive arts" and "comprehensive science" will also be opened to meet the demand for the development of knowledge.

According to the "Program", pupils in Shanghai's primary schools will begin their foreign language study from grade one.

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