Israeli-Palestinian People-to-People Talks Resumed

JERUSALEM, January 11 (Xinhua)-- Israel and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) resumed their People-to-People (PTP) talks in Jerusalem on January 11 after a two-and-half year break.

Israeli Foreign Ministry Director-General Eytan Bentsur, chairman of the PTP, and his Palestinian counterpart Under Secretary of PNA's Civil Affairs Ministry Sufian Abu Zayda attendedthe meeting.

The PTP talks are aimed at building up mutual trust and enhancing contacts between the peoples of the two sides, which could contribute much to the Middle East peace process, an Israeli Foreign Ministry official said.

"This is the first meeting that the two sides are holding after a hiatus of more than two years and the Israeli side is ready to discuss with the Palestinians about people-to-people programs that could be carried out in the future between the two sides," the official added.

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