Fujian Tourism Fair Opens

The five-day Fujian Tourism Fair opened in Fuzhou on December 30 aiming to attract more visitors to China in the year 2000. The event is ongoing in the international exhibition center of Fujian, one of the five major areas for the "Visit China in 2000" promotional campaign.

Some 500 exhibit spaces are displaying information on various travel destinations, and thousands of tourism products are on sale.

Performances reflecting Fujian folk customs and a big wedding ceremony will also be held for visitors curious to know more about the province.

According to the Fujian Tourism Bureau, the province is one of the top four in the country in terms of numbers of visitors and profits from tourism. A total 26,250,000 visitors are estimated to arrive in Fujian this year.

Tourism income of 24.5 billion yuan (3 billion US dollars) makes up 7 percent of the province's GDP.

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