Zhejiang Province Reports Ten Percent Economic Growth For 1999

East China's Zhejiang Province is expected to record a year-on-year 10 percent economic growth in 1999, with this year's GDP to reach 535 billion yuan, according to Chai Songyue, governor of the province.

The output value for local agriculture is estimated to rise 4.3 percent. The amount for industry is expected to increase 11.3 percent and the service sector 9.4 percent.

Fiscal revenues are expected to top 47.7 billion yuan, of which 24.5 billion yuan come from locality.

Disposable income for urban residents will average 8,330 yuan, a 6.6 percent rise on a yearly basis. Net incomes for local farmers per capita will be over 4,000 yuan, up five percent on 1998's figure.

From January to November this year, power consumption in Zhejiang Province went up 13 percent on a yearly basis. Cargo rose 5.4 percent.

The province's booming economy is due to endeavors to develop high-efficiency agriculture, to the increase of market shares both at home and abroad and the improvement of industrial restructuring.

The province has also set a goal of nine percent economic growth for 2000, with an output value for agriculture expected to rise three percent, industry to increase by 10 percent and the service sector to rise by 10.5 percent. (Xinhua)

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