Circular on Boosting Army-Public Ties During Spring Festival

All army units and local governments throughout the country have been urged to hold various activities to strengthen ties between the military, government and civilians during Spring Festival, the traditional Chinese New Year.

The Chinese New Year's Day is the first day of the first month of the traditional Chinese lunar calendar; this year's Spring Festival falls on February 5, 2000.

A joint circular recently issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the General Political Department of the Chinese People 's Liberation Army (PLA) says that in January, 2000, a national

conference will be held to select a number of model towns where local army units, governments and civilians have done an outstanding job to bring their relations closer.

The circular urges the concerned parties to help tackle each other's problems in their work and life. It also asks them to join hands in criticizing the banned Falun Gong cult in an effort to advance a scientific, civilized and healthy way of life.

Priority has been given to the settlement of demobilized soldiers and their families and the timely resolution of all related problems.

Meanwhile, historical, complex issues that have affected the army-government-people ties must be dealt with in order to further improve the relationship, the circular says. (Xinhua)

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