Upholding Multiparty Cooperation, Advancing Toward New Century

Sponsored by the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the central committees of various democratic parties, the forum, titled "Upholding Multiparty Cooperation, Advancing Toward New Century", was held in the Great Hall of the People on December 27, to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the multiparty cooperation and political consultation system under the leadership of the CPC.

Wang Zhaoguo, vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and head of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, attended and spoke at the forum. He said that the multiparty cooperation and political consultation system led by the CPC is a basic political system of China and a socialist political party system conforming to the national condition of China, it is also a common creation by the Communist Party of China and various democratic parties. The three generations of central leadership collectives with Comrades Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin at the core have made important contributions to the formation, consolidation and development of this system. In 1989, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core, in accordance with Comrade Deng Xiaoping's instruction and on the basis of full consultations with various democratic parties, formulated and promulgated the Opinion of the CPC Central Committee on Upholding and Perfecting the Multiparty Cooperation and Political Consultation System led by the Communist Party of China. The document made a comprehensive summary of the successful experiences gained in multiparty cooperation led by the CPC since the founding of New China and a series of important principles related to multiparty cooperation in China, it clearly defined the various democratic parties' status as political parties participating in the administration of government affairs in the political life of the State, put forward the general principle for democratic parties to take part in the administration of government affairs and exercise supervision, thus giving a boost to the vigorous development of the multiparty cooperative work led by the Communist Party. Over the past decade, the status of the CPC-led multiparty cooperation and political consultation system has become increasingly important in the political life of the State, the practice of multiparty cooperation and political consultation has gradually developed and become standardized, thereby making important contributions to pushing forward reform, opening up and the socialist modernization drive.

Wang Zhaoguo pointed out that in appraising whether the political system, including the political party system, of a country is superior or not, the key to this is to see whether or not it conforms to the national condition of the country, helps safeguard the country's political stability, enhances people's unity and promotes the sustained development of productive forces. Wang continued that the establishment and development of the multiparty cooperation and political consultation system led by the CPC has its profound historical and practical necessity. History has repeatedly proved that it won't do to practice a one-party system in China, nor will it do to blindly and mechanically transplant the multiparty system of the West. We must proceed from the national condition of China, uphold and perfect the multiparty cooperation and political consultation system led by the CPC. This is the inevitable choice of China's social development. The tremendous achievements gained over the part 50 years since the founding of New China, particularly in the past two decades since the launch of the reform and opening program, have proved the enormous superiority of this system.

Wang stressed that in the new century we must hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and, in light of the development and change in the domestic and international situation and in compliance with the requirements of the Party's 15th National Congress and in line with the principle of being both vigorous and sound, constantly boost the institutionalization and standardization of the multiparty cooperation and political consultation system led by the CPC, this is of extremely important immediate significance and profound historical significance. On the basis of inheritance, we should strive for innovation and, on the basis of practice, make constant development.Wang Zhaoguo expressed the hope that the various democratic parties and personages without party affiliation will, uniting more firmly around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core, hold aloft the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, advance hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder and work with concerted efforts and, in the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, write new chapters on the cooperation between the CPC and various democratic parties.

Leaders of the central committees of various democratic parties spoke at the forum. They expressed their determination to work heart and soul with the Chinese Communist Party, develop unity and cooperation, make constant advances, and make new contribution to pushing forward the multiparty cooperation led by the CPC comprehensively into the 21st century and fulfilling the noble mission of realizing the complete reunification of the motherland and the rejuvenation of China.

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