China Resolved to Protect Taiwan Investors

A foreign trade official said the newly-issued Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law for Protecting the Investment of Taiwan Compatriots has shown the central government's resolve to protect the interests of businessmen from Taiwan island.

Zhang Yuqing, director-general of Laws and Treaties Department of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation (MOFTEC) , said the rules cover a wide range of issues, from the education of Taiwan investors' children to border entry requirements.

The official, who has taken charge of drafting the rules, refuted criticisms from some Taiwan authorities that the principles allegedly did not included detailed regulations for protecting Taiwan investors' safety on the mainland, China Daily Business Weekly said on Sunday.

The newly-adopted rules are expected to strongly boost Taiwanese businessmen's investment in the mainland area.

Because of the Taiwan authorities' restrictions on Taiwan businesses' capital flow to mainland, some firms from the island have invested on the mainland via a circuitous route, such as by first getting registered in a third country or region, to circumvent the Taiwan authority's control.

Zhang said, "Taiwan compatriots' safety is of course secured on the mainland. The Criminal Law and regulations regarding public security strongly guarantee their security."

After the detailed rules promulgated, MOFTEC Minister Shi Guangsheng said that the central government is committed to protecting all legitimate rights of Taiwan investors whatever the circumstances are.

He urged the Taiwan authorities to stop politicizing trade and investment issues and to cancel its unreasonable restrictions on economic exchanges across the straits as soon as possible.

MOFTEC statistics revealed that by the end of October, there were 43,408 Taiwan invested projects involving a total of 43.59 billion US dollars in pledged capital and 23.45 billion U.S. dollars in actual input.

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