China Beefs up Water Conservancy Investment

64 billion yuan in financial investment has been pumped into capital construction for water conservancy since 1998 in China. The sum is 2.8 times the investment China put into water conservancy in the 1990-1995 period.

This was learnt from the national working conference for water conservancy planning held earlier in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province.

The hefty investment has improved the anti-flood capability this year along the Yangtze River and in the Taihu Lake area.

Statistical data show that from 1998 through the end of last July, 636 million cubic meter of earth, 33.03 million cubic meters of stone and 7.62 million cubic meters of concrete have been used on anti-flood projects. All sections of the embankments wrecked in the 1998 flood have been remedied.

China, following the 1998 flooding, implemented the strategy of "removing small anti-flood structures, restoring lake out of farmland and moving residents to township". This year 337 small anti-flood structures have been removed to facilitate the flow of floods and 2.35 billion cubic meters of water have been stored up, thus effectively lowering the water level of floods.

This year witnessed an unprecedented deluge in the Taihu Lake area. The anti-flood project has played a vital role in the area. A total of 4.8 billion cubic meters of water were discharged. Dykes around the Taihu Lake detained 1 billion cubic meters of water, having ensured the safety near the lake. As a result, 6.4 billion yuan has been consumed for tapping the Taihu Lake, resulting in reduction of 9.2 billion yuan from losses caused by floods.

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