Aziz Congratulates China on Macao's Return

Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tareq Aziz on Monday congratulated China on Macao's return to

motherland, expressing hope that China will achieve complete reunification soon.

Aziz was speaking at a grand reception held Bagdhad by the Chinese Embassy to celebrate China's resumption of exercise of sovereignty over Macao, which has been under Portuguese rule for over 100 years.

"On the occasion of Macao's return to motherland, on behalf of the Iraqi leadership and the Iraqi people, I would like to express the deepest and genuine congratulations to the Chinese leadership and the Chinese people," said Aziz.

He added that China is a friendly country, Iraq wishes China further prosperity.

Also attending the reception were Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Hikmat Ibrahim who is also finance minister, Foreign Minister Mohammed Said al-Sahaf and Trade Minister Mohammed Mehdi Salah.

Some 400 U.N. officials, foreign diplomats in Baghdad, Iraqi personalities of various circles and representatives of the Chinese in Iraq were present at the occasion.

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