Russian Communists to Win Over 110 Seats in Duma

The Russian Communist Party, leading in the Russia's parliamentary elections into the State Duma, the lower house of the parliament, will win 68 seats by party proportion and 43 seats in single-mandate constituencies, said Russian Central Electoral Commission Chairman Alexander Veshnyakov Monday.

With 82.31 percent of all ballots counted, the Communist Party led by Gennady Zyuganov already won 24.38 percent of the votes for party tickets at 1400 p.m. Moscow time (1100 a.m. GMT).

The pro-Kremlin Unity movement chaired by Sergey Shoigu follows closely with 23.68 percent, while Fatherland-All Russia led by ex-premier Yevgeny Primakov collected 12.08 percent and the

Union of Right-Wing Forces headed by former prime minister Sergey Kirienko won 8.71 percent.

The Zhirinovsky Bloc mastered 6.15 percent of the ballots and Yabloko bloc led by Grigory Yavlinsky wrapped up the party list with 6.1 percent.

At least 3.36 percent of voters cast against all the parties.

The inter-regional Unity movement is expected to win 66 seats in the voting for party lists and nearly 10 seats in single-seat constituencies, and the Fatherland-All Russia bloc by early

accounts is poised to win 33 seats in the voting for party tickets while 29 of its candidates are leading in single-seat constituencies, Veshnyakov said.

The Union of Right Forces is likely to win 24 and five seats respectively, and Yabloko -- 17 and five seats respectively, he said.

The Zhirinovsky Bloc will have 17 of its own candidates on the federal list in the Duma. But unlike other parties that have overcome the 5 percent barrier needed to be represented in

parliament, it does not lead in any single-seat constituency, according to Veshnyakov.

He didn't expect the final results to be different by more than a tenth of one percent from what he announced, added Veshnyakov. (Xinhua)

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