Bangladeshi PM's Flower Bouquet Presented to Kumaratunga

A flower bouquet on behalf of Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was presented to Sri

Lankan President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga who is now undergoing treatment in a Colombo hospital, the official Bangladesh News Agency reported Monday.

The prime minister also wished early recovery of the Sri Lankan president who was wounded in a bomb blast on Saturday evening.

Sheikh Hasina inquired about the welfare of President Kumaratunga minutes after she was wounded at an election rally in Colombo. The bouquet was sent to her hospital bed Sunday morning,

a source in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Monday.

The prime minister, who is keeping herself informed of the state of health of the Sri Lankan president by telephone through Bangladesh High Commission in Colombo, sent a message Sunday

expressing her shock at the attempt on President Kumaratunga's life and wishing herspeedy recovery. (Xinhua)

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