People's Daily: A Glorious Chapter in Chinese History

The People's Daily today publishs an editorial hailing the return of Macao to the motherland.

The editorial, headlined "A Glorious Chapter in Chinese History," says that the raising of the national flag in Macao at 00:00 on December 20, proclaims Macao's homecoming to the world.

"This represents another great event in the reunification cause of the Chinese nation since Hong Kong's return to the embrace of the motherland on July 1, 1997," it notes.

With the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), Macao will enter a new era, and the Chinese-Portuguese friendship and cooperation will continue developing from a new vantage point.

Generations of the Chinese people have dreamed of this moment. It is a time of festivities for Macao compatriots and the Chinese nation as a whole. China should "toast our nation's revitalization and prosperity!"

Macao has been a territory of China since ancient times. Since its occupation by Portugal in the mid 16th century, the Chinese people have fought a protracted struggle for the reunification of the motherland.

However, the savagery of the feudal governments and the internal fights, corruption and incompetence of the Kuomintang government made it impossible for the nation to regain the

exercise of sovereignty over Macao, the editorial says.

The founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 completely changed the lives of many people. Becoming stronger and more prosperous each day, the Chinese nation won the status and

respect it deserved.

On April 13, 1987, China and Portugal issued a joint declaration on the issue of Macao, which paved the way for Macao's stable transition and smooth return to the motherland.

The three generations of leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and generations of the Chinese people have contributed to the reunification of the motherland. At this jubilant moment in the nation's history, China cherishes all the more the memory of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and other revolutionaries, the editorial says.

It notes that history has proved that without the leadership of the CPC and the struggle of the Chinese people, there would be no New China and no national independence and liberation.

And without reform and opening up and the huge success of socialism with Chinese characteristics, there would have been no prosperity and revitalization of the Chinese nation and no smooth return of Macao.

The editorial stresses that Macao's return has opened a new chapter in the annals of Chinese history.

But a lot still needs to be done to fully carry out the principles of "one country, two systems" and "the people of Macao govern Macao," it says.

It is essential to study and implement Basic Law of the Macao SAR, which is a fundamental guarantee for Macao's long-term stability and development.

"It's our firm belief that the Macao SAR government will shoulder the historic responsibility in the wise governing, building and developing of Macao in line with the Basic Law," the editorial says.

The prosperous motherland will give strong support to Macao no matter what difficulties or challenges it may face, just as it did in the case of Hong Kong.

The editorial also expresses the confidence that the country ultimately will solve the issue of Taiwan and realize the goal of complete reunification of the motherland.

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