Administrative, Legislative and Judicial Offices Ready for Work in Macao

Preparation for operation has been completed in the administrative, legislative and judicial sectors in the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR).

Two poles are standing in front of the temporary office of the Macao chief executive for hoisting the Chinese national flag and the Macao regional flag.

The Macao public servants are busy about round-the-clock preparing for the handover of Macao to China.

The SAR Administrative Council held its last meeting today before the handover. SAR spokesman Tang Zhijian said that legal work in preparation for the formation of the SAR government has been completed. As an agency helping the chief executive in decision making before the formation of the SAR government, the Administrative Council's primary tasks are to deliberate laws necessary for the founding of the SAR and to submit these laws to the legislative Council for examination and enactment. The Administrative Council has called 9 meeting following its first meeting of November 3. Permanent residents and their right of abode and the use and protection of the national flag, national anthem and national emblem and 11 necessary laws including the outline law on government organization were discussed at the meetings. And 13 administrative laws and statutes were stipulated including the articles of association of the Administrative Council, the regulations on issuance of the right of abode certificate in the Macao SAR, the organization, function and power and operation of the government offices and entities.

Since its first plenary session on October 12, the Legislative Council has worked day and night in cooperation with the administrative departments and has finished the examination of the last two necessary laws delivered by the Administrative Council. On the morning of December 20, the Legislative Council will hold a plenary session to deliberate and enact the law on the return of Maoco to the motherland after the establishment of the SAR government to confirm all necessary laws and resolutions which have gone through the examination procedures.

Meanwhile, all judges and prosecutors at all levels have been ready to discharge their glorious duties.

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