Post-handover Macao to Enjoy Freedom in Education

The approaching Macao's return to China is not affecting the routine work of Lei Lai Meng, president of the School of Nations in Macao. "There will be no obvious change in the school's educational objective and teaching method," she told Xinhua.

"We will continue to enjoy full freedom in education after Macao's return, and we do not have the least worry for that," Lei added. Macao, a peninsula very close to the financial hub Hong Kong, is to return to China on Dec. 20 after being ruled by the Portuguese for more than 150 years.

The School of Nations is the first international school in Macao, with its students coming from more than 30 countries and regions and faculty from Macao and European and American countries.

Private schools like the School of Nations constitute a main part of the school system in Macao. Of the 123 schools in Macao, private schools are five times the public schools in number, with private school students accounting for more than 90 percent of the total in Macao.

As the first chief executive-designate of the future Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Edmund Ho Hau Wah has said in his administrative program, the relationship between public supervision and self-management of schools will be better handled in the future.

The training of talents is key to Macao's foundation and hope and the SAR government will make further efforts to promote the development of Macao's education and give more guidance in this regard, Ho said, adding that efforts will be made to promote compulsory education according to law.

"Macao's educational system will remain unchanged after its return," said Sou Chio Fai, subdirector for the Education and Youth Services."Private schools will continue to play an active role in Macao's education, and schools will retain the independence in teaching, finance management and staffing."

Macao is entitled to draft its own educational policies different from those adopted in the Chinese mainland as is provided in the Macao SAR Basic Law and embodied in the principle of "one country, two systems". Under that precondition, religious organizations, social groups and individuals may continue to run schools of all kinds, and enjoy independence in running the schools and freedom in teaching and doing academic research.

Besides, students in Macao will continue to enjoy freedom in pursuing their studies either in Macao or outside Macao, Sou said, adding that more students may go to schools in the mainland areas after Macao returns to the motherland. (Xinhua)

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