Li Ruihuan's Asia Trip Is Successful

Chinese leader Li Ruihuan's three-nation Asia visit has been a success and has attained expected goals of enhancing mutual understanding, deepening friendship and expanding cooperation with the host countries, said a senior Chinese official Wednesday.

Zheng Wantong, general secretary of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), made the statement in an interview with Chinese reporters on Li's official visit to Sri Lanka, Maldives and Japan.

Li Ruihuan, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee made the trip at the invitation of the three governments. This was Li's first visit to the three countries as CPPCC chairman and an important diplomatic mission by one of China's top leaders this year, Zheng Wantong said.

During the journey, Li met with top leaders of the three countries, briefing them on China's domestic situations, and exchanging views in depth with them on how to advance bilateral relations and on some regional and international issues of common interest.

In meeting with Sri Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga, Li said that all countries in the world, developing countries in particular, should give top priority to developing economy, improving people's livelihood and strengthening unity.

In his talks with Maldivian President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Li attributed China's conspicuous achievements in economic and other social aspects to the principle of "seeking truth from facts"

advocated by Deng Xiaoping, the chief architect of China's reform and opening up.

Leaders of Sri Lanka and Maldives hailed the smooth development of their relations with China whatever changes in the world.

Li's visit to Japan is all the more spectacular. During his meeting with Emperor Akihito, Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi and other Japanese leaders, Li spoke highly of Chinese President Jiang Zemin's last year visit to Japan, during which the two countries agreed to work for the establishment of a friendly and cooperative partnership for peace and development, thus charting the path for the development of bilateral relations in the coming century.

In this regard, Li said, "We should not forget the past but should all the more look to the future" through efforts in educating the younger generations.

And on the part of China, he noted, it "will not forget its old friends, wishes to make more new friends and hopes always to be friends with them."

Li's interview by Nippon Hoso Kyokai(NHK) is believed to have pushed the visit to a climax. Li's slashing of the so-called "China threat", the "two country doctrine" put forward by the

Taiwan authorities and his great insight into Macao's return, Sino-Japanese relations and environmental protection, have enriched the issues with newer and broader content. Li said the raising of the so-called "China threat" is in essence to threat China and not allow it to develop. However, he stressed, China's development is irresistible and beneficial to the world community.

In whipping the "two country doctrine", Li explained why China can not commit itself to not using force to settle the Taiwan issue. "No Chinese leader nor any generation of the Chinese leadership has the right to discard Taiwan from its motherland," Li said, "And anyone should not underestimate China's determination and capability on the issue."

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