Chinese, Brazilian Vice Presidents Hold Talks in Beijing

Chinese Vice-President Hu Jintao said in Beijing Wednesday that China will work together with Brazil to promote their strategic partnership and continue to make efforts for developing such relations oriented towards the 21st century.

Hu made the remark during talks with Brazilian Vice-President Marco Marciel.

Extending a welcome to Marciel, who will, on behalf of the Brazilian Government, attend the Macao handover ceremony later this month, Hu said that the two countries' relations of cooperation have been developing smoothly since the establishment of diplomatic ties 25 years ago.

Since the two sides reached the consensus on strategic partnership in 1993, leaders of the two countries have made frequent exchanges of visits, enhancing mutual understanding and trust, he said.

Brazil is now China's largest trading partner in Latin America, Hu said, adding that the successful launching of the first earth resource satellite jointly developed by the two countries last October set an example for high-tech cooperation between developing countries, he said.

The two countries have supported each other and cooperated well in international affairs and in international organizations, Hu said.

Both countries agree that multi-polarization is an inevitable trend, stand for a fair and reasonable new international political and economic order, and are committed to promoting peace and development, he said.

Marciel congratulated China on Macao's upcoming return to China and said he is delighted to have the opportunity to attend the handover ceremony.

Marciel said Brazil is pleased with the two countries' strategic partnership, adding that as the biggest developing countries in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres Brazil and China will play an even greater role in the 21st century.

Brazil attaches great importance to its relations with China, and is fully prepared to promote mutually beneficial cooperation in various areas, Marciel said.

Further development of cooperation is in the interests of both countries and has broad prospects, he said.

Multi-polarization will help realize the democratization of international relations and the rights of all countries to participate in international affairs on an equal footing, said Marciel.

Brazil will continue to make joint efforts with China in pushing forward the process of multi-polarization, he said.

Brazil will, as always, abide by the "One China" stand and support China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), he said. China's entry into the WTO will help rationalize the

multilateral trade system, safeguard the interests of developing countries and promote economic and trade exchanges between the two countries.

Earlier, Hu presided over a welcome ceremony in honor of Marciel. After the talks, the two vice-presidents attended a ceremony to sign two documents. The first, an agreement to give

the Brazilian consulate-general in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region consulate powers in Macao after the handover, and the second, an agreement on cooperation in broadcasting and

television. (Xinhua)

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