Wuxi City Draws 700 Million US Dollars In 1999

The city of Wuxi in east China has drawn 700 million US dollars in overseas investment in the first 10 months this year, bringing the total actual inflow of overseas money to seven billion US dollars by the end of October.

Wuxi, a medium-sized industrial city in Jiangsu Province, now has 5,958 overseas-funded enterprises, involving a total investment of 18.12 billion US dollars, including 10.87 billion US dollars of contractual overseas spending.

The use of overseas money has accounted for one-third of the local fixed assets investment.

Out of the world's top 500 multinational companies, 37 have had their presence in Wuxi.

Thirty-nine percent of the overseas-funded projects, which were added this year, or 73, are wholly owned by overseas investors. (Xinhua)

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