Overall "Health Check" on Yangtze River Embankment

China has rounded up an expert team to start a comprehensive "health check" on the main embankments of the Yangtze, China's longest river, which aims to provide scientific data for reinforcing them.

A team of over 3,000 perambulators and hydrologists from the Yangtze River Water Resources Committee (YWRC) have been deployed. They are equipped with high-technology devices such as global positioning systems and laser range finders.

Li Antian, director of YWRC, said that the team of experts was divided into two groups. One group will focus on the hydrologics and the other will provide accurate data for calculating the amount of earthwork materials to be used in dyke reinforcement.

More than 200 drilling machines will be used for measuring the thickness of the main embankments in different sections.

The team will be doing research in four provinces including Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and Anhui along the middle and lower reaches of the river, which are most affected by floods.

Billions of yuan will be spent for anti-seeping repairs and foundation reinforcement of the main embankments. YWRC has been given the task of designing the project and keeping checks on quality control. (Xinhua)

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