Japan to Further Ties With China

Japanese Emperor Akihito said in Tokyo on December 10 that it is of great significance to develop relations with China so as to enable the people of the two countries to have a better knowledge about histories between them.

The emperor made the remarks while meeting with Li Ruihuan, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, who is on an official good-will tour to Japan.

Japan and China had close relations historically and the exchanges between the two peoples will become more brisk and active, Akihito said.

Li said that peace, friendship and cooperation between China and Japan will conform to the fundamental interests of the two peoples as well as the general trend of the times.

However, the important thing is that the two countries should draw lessons from history and look to the future so that people of the two countries will be friendly with each other from generation to generation, Li stressed.

The Chinese top consultant also touched upon how to deal with the traditional and cultural heritage in respective countries.

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